Tuesday, October 16, 2007

There's a Hole in My Sidewalk by Portia Nelson

A poem told in ASL.


Jay said...

That other street leads to my eye doctor for my eye examination -- maybe I needed new glasses to stop falling in the same hole, eh?


Stephen J. Hardy said...

Mindful walks on the sidewalk will tell you what's ahead; otherwise, you will be falling into the same hole over and over. The hole itself is an illusion and the mind tends to get trapped by doing the same pattern. It is good to have variety of places to walk and the end is always the same.

Anonymous said...

By experiencing repeatly in the same street and not wanting to make another mistake again after several times.

Anonymous said...

I did not add my name to my answer in the comment to your question, it was CJ.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy watched your vlog! It's good to see you again. Sorry that I didn't leave a message before, but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your vlogs!

Thank you for your ASL in poetry and it's very true! I have talked with God in my prayer, I asked, "why have I done it again and again"..until I realized it was me to repent and do better the next time when it happens. I have to watch out for the same old pattern I won't get a same mistake.

Happy vlogging! =)

Hilda Richey said...

This poem is everybody's story. We all started out living unconsciously. We tend to react when something wrong has happened and blame it on someone else. We would repeatedly do this until one day, we wake up and realize that we're responsible for our mistakes. So, we change our perceptions and start becoming more aware/mindful of our behaviors -- and of our thinking. We start taking responsibility for our lives. We learn to live consciously and avoid making the same mistakes -- later we learn to find ways to deal with certain situations rather than just avoiding them. We learn to choose love instead of fear. We are transcending our ego selves (our false selves due to fear) when we see our illusions and set them aside. We learn to choose love instead of fear -- and act on love. It is all about awareness --the key to our spiritual enlightnement.

It is said that soon after his enlightenment the Buddha passed a man on the road who was struck by the Buddha's extraordinary radiance and peaceful presence. The man stopped and asked,
"My friend, what are you?
Are you a celestial being
or a god?"
"No," said the Buddha.
"Well, then, are you some kind of magician or wizard?"
Again the Buddha answered, "No."
"Are you a man?"
"Well, my friend, then what are you?"
The Buddha replied,
"I am awake!"

"Shedding one's skin. The snake that cannot shed its skin perishes. So do the spirits who are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be spirit."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
19th century German philosopher

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,
I just wanted to let you know that you can now add the ACIM Daily Lesson directly to your Blog. BLOGGER has just made it really simple. Just copy this link on The Miracle Times and follow the instructions.


Love Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey I really like your vlog. I hearing, but I'm dating a Deaf person and learning ASL from my partner but also from classes.